
Web 2.0 Directory plugin is ready for use in any languages. The languages/ folder contains W2DC-en_US.po file, which is used for translations. The process of translation is quite similar to modifying texts with PoEdit application. The only difference is that before translation you need to duplicate W2DC-en_US.po file and give a name to new file according to following rules:

  1. On WordPress Settings -> General page select needed site language.
  2. Make a copy of the W2DC-en_US.po file and rename it to W2DC-WP_LOCALE.po according to your WP Locale
  3. Example for the Portuguese Brazil language: W2DC-pt_BR.po
    -- pt_BR - is the WP Locale, it means Portuguese (Brazil) language
    -- you'll have to fill in with your own language, the list of WordPress locales here
  4. Download and install Poedit.
  5. Open with Poedit W2DC-pt_BR.po file.
  6. Now you can find and modify any needed words and texts.
  7. Every time you save translated W2DC-WP_LOCALE.po file, PoEdit automatically generates file, which is the one WordPress uses and basically the only one you need to upload to your site.
  8. Upload generated file and saved W2DC-WP_LOCALE.po file to your site into wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder. You can use FTP client or FTP manager of your hosting.

Search Forms builder interface should be translated in the same way using search/plugin/languages/WCSEARCH.pot file.

Also the plugin can be translated using Loco Translate plugin.