Claim Functionality
Following settings appear at the General Settings tab of "Directory Admin -> Directory Settings" page on the "General settings" tab when "Frontend submission & dashboard addon" was enabled.
Enable claim functionality - enable/disable claim functionality at the frontend. When enabled - each listing has option "Allow claim", by checking this option you allow registered users to claim this listing. When claim allowed - the button "Is this you ad?" appears on listing's details page, this button opens claim form. This button appears only when user is not logged in as current listing owner, Frontend submission addon was enabled and when page with [webdirectory-dashboard] shortcode exists.
So to see this button, follow instructions:
- Enable Frontend submission addon and create a page with [webdirectory-dashboard] shortcode.
- Enable claim functionality in the Claim Functionality settings on the "General settings" tab.
- Go to listing edition page and click "Allow claim" option in "Listing claim" metabox.
- Log out if you are owner of this listing.
When visitor sends claim request - notification about claim for this listing will be sent to the current listing owner.
After approval claimer will become owner of this listing and receive email notification about successful approval.
Approval of claim required - when switched on any claimed listing requires approval of claim by current listing owner. In other case claim will be processed immediately without any notifications.
What will be with listing status after successful approval? - when it was set to "just approval" option - the status of claimed listing will not be changed after approval. "expired status" option means that after approval of claimed listing it becomes expired and new owner have to renew it to make listing active. Renewal of listing may be payment option.
Hide contact form on claimable listings - just hide contact form when listing is set to be claimed.
Hide claim metabox at the frontend dashboard - with this setting only admin may set up listing to be claimed.
By the way, there is the option in CSV importer to set up all imported listings as claimable.
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Shortcodes
- Listings management
- Maps management
- Directory settings
- Content fields
- Claim Functionality
- SEO and Meta information
- Contact Forms
- Search forms
- Sorting of listings
- Custom pages
- Frontend submission & dashboard
- Payments
- Ratings, comments and reviews
- Directory widgets
- Customization styles & templates
- How to modify texts
- Translation
- CSV Import
- Troubleshooting