Listings settings tab

Map marker slug - this value appears in URL when map marker selected

Listings slug - This value appears in URL when listing window opened

Listings will never expire - with this option listings will never expire.

Active period of listings (in days), Active period of listings (in months), Active period of listings (in years) - with these settings listings will expire within a specified time. Note, that listings remember all these settings at their time of creation and follow them even if settings will be changed in future. This means that if listing was created when "Listings will never expire" setting was enabled - it will never expire, even after this setting have been disabled. And visa versa, listing will expire within a specified time if it was created with enabled active period.

Allow regular users to change listings expiration dates - with this enabled setting listings owners may manually set expiration dates of listings, after that date the status of listing become expired. The change of expiration dates available only for listings with limited active period, not for eternal listings. Administrators may control expiration dates even if this option is disabled.

Allow listings to renew - after expiration listings may be renewed on dashboard.

Allow unlimited categories - there isn't any limit on assigned categories within each listing.

Number of categories allowed for each listing - the number of categories allowed to be assigned with listings. When during listing creation/edition user exceeded this number - the warning message will arise.

Number of locations allowed for each listing - an ability to set exact number of locations/markers allowed for each listing.

Number of images allowed for each listing (including logo) - set max number of images allowed for each listing.

Number of videos allowed for each listing - set max number of videos allowed for each listing.

Listing Window

Enable map in listing window - enable map for listing window.

Show directions panel in listing window - directions panel will be shown on listing window when map enabled for listing window.

Enable contact form in listing window - whether to show contact listing owner form in a separate tab listing window.

Contact Form 7 shortcode - the plugin was adapted to work with Contact Form 7 plugin. Insert shortcode generated by CF 7 plugin in this field and CF 7 form will be displayed instead of standard contact form. This will work only when CF 7 plugin enabled, otherwise standard contact form will be displayed.

Show contact form only for logged in users - only logged in users will see contact form in listing window (Contact Form 7 or standard form).

Allow custom contact emails - users can fill in custom contact email, otherwise contact messages will be sent directly to listing authors email address from his profile.

Enable report form - whether to show report form in listing window. An email will be sent to the administration email address.

Hide listings views counter - whether to show total clicks on the listing.

Hide listings creation date - listings creation date will be hidden at the frontend.

Hide author information - author name and possible link to author website will be hidden on single listing pages.

Listings comments system - select what to use: plugin's system or native installed system.

Listings comments mode - with enabled option "As configured in WP settings" comments visibility depends on WordPress discussion settings - "Allow people to post comments on new articles". Also it depends on individual listing setting "Allow comments" on each listing edit screen.

Listing tabs order - sort tabs in listing window.

Enable statistics functionality - statistics charts visible on frontend users dashboard. At the backend only total number of clicks visible.

Description & Excerpt settings

Enable description field - main description text editor can be hidden from listing.

Enable summary field - summary/excerpt field can be hidden from listing.

Excerpt max length - insert the number of words you want to show in the listings excerpts.

Use cropped content as excerpt - when excerpt field wasn't filled in by user - cropped description content will be used.

Strip HTML from excerpt - check the box if you want to strip HTML from the excerpt content.